Collection: Nami handpans

The Nami Handpans contain the power of the ocean and the east wind. These special musical instruments are born on the cliffs of an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Each instrument is created under the influence of the elements and in harmony with nature. The harmony of the rolling waves of the sea flows into the sound of these instruments just as much as the whispering of the wind. The sounds of the Nami Handpans invite you to surf on them and merge with the melody.

The sea gives sound artist Daniele new inspiration every day, which he incorporates into the construction of the handpans. Daniele devotes himself passionately to each of his hand-made handpans. Each musical instrument is formed in a pure and unique way from the work of skilled hands. On the cliffs in the middle of the Atlantic, these handpans are born in a workshop - formed in the rhythm of the waves of the ocean, whose power and spirit are woven into the sound. This creates a clear and mysterious sound, whose wave-like vibration brings the vegetative system into harmonious harmony. The Nami handpans contain freedom, wildness and the pure power of nature.

The Nami handpans are made of both nitrided steel and Embersteel stainless steel of the highest quality. Custom-made versions with special tunings or additional tone fields on the bottom are possible after consultation with us.